Timi Gustafson

Even small amounts of alcohol may cause cancer, study finds | Gustafson

Moderate drinking of alcoholic beverages can have a place in a healthy lifestyle, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).


Successful weight management does not come in form of quick and temporary fixes but with a firm commitment to your overall health and well-being that lasts a lifetime.

Instead of dieting, build a healthy lifestyle | Gustafson

Just in time for resolution season when many Americans try hard to lose the extra weight they gained over the holidays, a surprising study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has come out, seemingly suggesting that a few additional pounds may not do too much harm after all, and being a bit overweight may even reduce a person's mortality risk.


Why gaining weight is so much easier than losing weight | Timi Gustafson

One of the hardest things about weight gain is that it can happen so easily. Losing weight, on the other hand, can be a never-ending struggle. Some people say they put on a pound or two merely by looking at food. But no matter how much they deprive themselves or how hard they exercise, the numbers on the scale only seem to go up.


A renewed effort to fight Alzheimer’s disease | Timi Gustafson

The Obama administration has tasked the science community with finding some effective treatments for Alzheimer’s disease by 2025. Experts consider the quest as ambitious.

Americans prefer eating at home but still don’t cook or eat healthily | Timi Gustafson

The average American family eats at home on most days but is too rushed to make meals from scratch, according to a survey by Gallup-Healthways. In terms of nutritional quality, overall eating habits in America are not improving and have in some ways become even worse.

Government study finds too much salt in bread | Timi Gustafson

The highest amount of salt Americans eat comes from bread, according to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Nearly 50 percent of the salt consumed in the U.S. is linked to popular foods such as baked goods, cold cuts, cured meats, pizza, poultry, soups, sandwiches, cheese, pasta and snacks like pretzels and potato chips. Many items loaded with salt don’t even taste salty.

For weight loss, cutting back on calories matters most | Timi Gustafson

People who swear by a particular diet to lose weight may be fooling themselves, according to a recent study by scientists at Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. There is no real evidence that low-carb, low-fat or high-protein diets make as big a difference as overall calorie reduction when it comes to weight loss, according to Dr. George Bray who worked on the study.

School lunches will improve, but more work needs to be done | Timi Gustafson

School children will find more fruits, vegetables and whole-grain products on their lunch plates under the new nutritional guidelines for the National School Lunch Program issuedby the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

How long will you live? A new set of assessment tools may be able to tell | Timi Gustafson

Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) have come up with new assessment tools to determine the likelihood of death within a certain period of time.

This year could be different | Timi Gustafson

What is it with New Year’s resolutions that makes them so prone to failure, it’s almost ludicrous to think of making another one? You know how it goes: This year, it will be different! I can change! I will stick to my plans and see them through, no matter what!

A merry look at happiness and life over time | Timi Gustafson

We all know that our outlook on life changes over time. Scientific studies, however, show that many people grow happier or at least more content as they mature.

Slightly elevated blood pressure poses risk | Timi Gustafson

If you think your blood pressure is normal, you may want to double-check with your doctor. According to new guidelines, blood pressure of 120/80 mmHg, which was until recently seen as within a healthy range, is now classified as elevated.

Why anxiety disorders are on the rise | Timi Gustafson

It’s getting harder to feel good about life in America. According to data collected by the Census Bureau, the average income of Americans has fallen by almost 10 percent since the beginning of the recession of 2008. Some experts say the financial crisis has been as traumatic and anxiety-producing for millions of Americans as the events of Sept. 11, 2001. While people back then were fearful of another terrorist attack, they are now experiencing profound existential angst about their future.

Too much salt in a diet is a danger | Timi Gustafson

Americans continue to have a much higher sodium intake than they should and most don’t care or don’t believe that it’s a major health concern, according to two new studies that were done for the American Dietetic Association (ADA).

Healthy eating may be too expensive for many | Timi Gustafson

Most Americans are unable to follow their government’s recommendations for healthy eating, simply because they can’t financially afford to do so, says a study that was recently published in the journal “Health Affairs.”

Summer is best time to begin healthy eating habits | Timi Gustafson

Millions of Americans think of the beginning of the year as the best time to diet and get back in shape. It’s called resolution season, and for many it is almost an annual ritual. The weight loss industry strongly supports this tradition and does the bulk of its business during this period.