Welcome to the voting round of the Best of Kent 2022! Vote today at vote.kentreporter.com. Voting will close on Sept. 25. Categories include food, health/fitness,… Continue reading
Two blue and white industrial buildings, open green space occupy spot
Decision made in honor of 90th anniversary of brand; company has Kent manufacturing facility
Company once employed over 5,000; now employs about 1,000 after large property sales
Named to work with White House’s National Space Council
JLT Web Solutions up against four other companies
Company in 1978 moved headquarters to Kent from Seattle
Agencies violated the Collection Agency Act and Consumer Protection Act, according to attorney general.
The grocery store is open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily.
After five years of planning and months of waiting, the state’s first Topgolf is finally open to the public in Renton. On July 29, Renton… Continue reading
Seven industrial, two office space leases
Company acquired Bellevue real estate firm
Japanese variety store features many items between $1.75 to $1.99
Washington’s lowest score was 13 out of 20 points in the Work Environment and Employment section.
Five industrial spaces, one office lease in Kent Valley
Six-member crew launched from West Texas on June 4 for 10-minute flight
Money matters
Webster’s dictionary defines the word volatility as “characterized by or subject to rapid or unexpected change.” Interestingly, Webster cites the stock market as one example… Continue reading
New Shepard rocket will have six-person crew