Fifty children participated in the 11th annual Kent Police Shop with a Cop on Saturday, Dec. 7 at Target.
“We had an amazing 11th year with Shop with a Cop, which is only made possible by the community support and their donations to support this,” said Kent Police Assistant Chief Jarod Kasner in an email. “Not to forget our gracious host and partner Target and the staff here at the Kent store that make us feel welcomed and accommodate this event. They are truly community oriented.”
Police partner with Kent Youth and Family Services to find families for the annual holiday shopping trip to provide gifts for those who cannot afford them.
More than 20 officers and their families, Mayor Dana Ralph and other city staff volunteered their time to help with the event. Many of the officers worked all night handling 911 calls before they headed early Saturday morning to Target during their off-duty time to help out. Kent Police Explorers (ages 14-20 interested in law enforcement careers) also assisted.
Kent Sunrise Rotary Club members stood in the rain to serve a breakfast of coffee, juice, donuts, eggs, sausage, potatoes and breakfast burritos.
Santa and Buddy the Elf also were present.
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