The Kent Fire Department Regional Fire Authority is investigating what started a house fire in the 21800 block of 102 Pl. SE that displaced five people.
The fire was first reported by a neighbor at 9:40 pm. When firefighters arrived, there was black smoke coming from several parts of the home.
Because there were several vehicles in the driveway, firefighters were concerned that someone may have been trapped in the two story house.
Fortunately, searches of the residence showed that no one was home. Although from the street there is little indication of the fire (see attached photos), the house suffered a great deal of fire damage, and smoke spread throughout the structure.
With the help of neighbors and the neighborhood Home Owners Association, the Kent Fire Department was able to contact the residents who confirmed that no one was in the house. The displaced occupants are being cared for by family members and Red Cross was not contacted. No one was injured in the fire and no other homes in the neighborhood were damaged.
The Kent Fire Department received assistance fighting this fire from the Renton Fire Department and King County Medic One.
No damage estimate is available at this time.
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