A 34-year-old Kent man was shot and injured early Sunday morning, Dec. 22 in a bar parking lot on the East Hill.
At about 12:14 a.m., officers were dispatched to a shooting at Action Sports Bar (formerly Carriage Square Sports Bar, 25626 102nd Place SE, according to a Dec. 26 email from Kent Police Assistant Chief Jarod Kasner.
Officers found a man lying in the parking lot with a gunshot wound to his leg, Kasner said.
“There seems to have been some sort of commotion inside the bar which led to the (man) exiting the bar and then having been shot,” Kasner said.
Officers were unable to get many details from other people with the man.
“Individuals associated with the victim were not cooperative with providing information to the officers about the sequence of events that transpired,” Kasner said. “There are no indications that this is a random act. Initial information suggests that this incident is specific to those involved.”
Paramedics transported the Kent man to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle.
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