Students at Emerald Park Elementary discovered the art, expression and athleticism of ballet last week.
Evergreen City Ballet instructors Andi Bryndza and Sharonda Young introduced and shared ballet basics with kids of all ages in Eric Lofstrom’s physical education classes. Students, from kindergarten to sixth grade, practiced ballet positioning, spotting, flexibility, balancing, jumping and other techniques.
Students also got a close-up look of Bryndza’s London-made ballet pointe shoes that she wears to perform.
“It’s been awesome, it’s been incredible,” Lofstrom said of the experience.
The school earned a grant to support the weeklong visit by the Renton-based company.
According to Bryndza, Evergreen City Ballet’s outreach director, the program, now in its sixth year, has reached more than 20,000 students in five school districts.
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