An 85-year-old Seattle man was killed in a two-vehicle collision Wednesday afternoon, March 6 in Kent at the intersection of South 196th Street and 68th Avenue South.
Val B. Bartolome died of multiple blunt force injuries, according to the March 7 King County Medical Examiner’s Office report.
Emergency personnel responded at about 1:45 p.m. to multiple 911 calls about a collision between a box truck and a sedan and that the sedan driver was unresponsive, according to a March 7 Kent Police news release.
Officers arrived with three minutes and immediately began to assess the injuries to all involved parties. Bartolome, 85, the driver of the sedan, had succumbed to his extensive injuries, according to police. His passenger, a 71-year-old Seattle woman, was injured and treated by Puget Sound Fire firefighters before being transported to a local hospital.
The driver of the box truck was treated and released at the scene after providing information to the officers.
The Kent Traffic Unit is investigating the circumstances surrounding the collision. Initial evidence collected indicates that the box truck driver was not impaired and had a green light when he proceeded into the intersection, according to police.
The box truck driver stayed on scene and cooperated with investigators.
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