Jazz and art lovers can check out the second annual Evening of Jazz and Art from 5-8 p.m. Thursday at the south lawn of the… Continue reading
Fans of memorabilia and ephemera (postcards and letters) can view thousands of vintage and one-of-a-kind items at the Greater Seattle Postcard and Paper Collectibles Show… Continue reading
Josh Kim, a Kent Mountain View Academy senior, was one of the winners of the second NASA Lunar Art Contest that received entries from high… Continue reading
Summer is the peak season for one of America’s deadliest weather phenomena—lightning. In 2008, hundreds of people were permanently injured by lightning strikes across the… Continue reading
Hundreds of local and regional jobs will be created or continued in King County as a result of federal stimulus grant money coming to the… Continue reading
Each year the King County Solid Waste Division recognizes “Green Teams” that complete projects to conserve resources and improve their school environment. This year, three… Continue reading
The City of Kent will have a dedication ceremony July 2 to celebrate the addition of new playground equipment at the Kiwanis Tot Lot No.… Continue reading
The city of Kent wants volunteers to help clean up five parks the day after the Fourth of July.Cleanup crews are wanted at 9 a.m.… Continue reading
The Christopher & Banks store at Kent Station is hosting a “Picture You and Your Pet” fundraiser this weekend to raise money for King County… Continue reading
The days of the current Panther Lake Elementary School may be numbered, but the staff and students at the school this past week tried to… Continue reading
A memorial service for David Cooke, the husband of Kent Mayor Suzette Cooke, is set for 1:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Kent Covenant Church, 12010… Continue reading
A Kent teacher and student were honored this past week when representatives from Ivar's selected Northwood Middle School math teacher Denise Khazoyan as their Teacher… Continue reading
Residents can attend a city of Kent dedication of the new playground equipment at the Kiwanis Tot Lot No. 1 at 1 p.m. July 2.… Continue reading
The city of Kent wants volunteers to help clean up five parks the day after the Fourth of July.Cleanup crews are wanted at 9 a.m.… Continue reading
Nicole M. Allen of Kent was one of six members of the 2009 Silver Cortege at Central Washington University’s Westside commencement ceremony June 14 in… Continue reading
Brianna Popson recently graduated from the University of Portland with a bachelor’s degree in accounting.… Continue reading
The following students, all of whom identified kent as their place of residence, made the Seattle Pacific University 2009 Winter Quarter Dean’s List. Students on… Continue reading
Mark your calendar, because the 38th annual Kent Cornucopia Days festival runs July 9-12.The city’s largest festival features a street fair with arts, crafts and… Continue reading
Lifeguards take to the beach Saturday through Sept. 7 at Lake Meridian Park, 14800 S.E. 272nd St. The guards, provided by the city of Kent,… Continue reading