Thomas Alan Alexander
Thomas (Tom) Alan Alexander, age 55, passed away at home with wife, daughter, and sister January 16, 2012. He was born Aug. 5, 1956 to parents Robert and Jeanette Geyer, and later adopted by stepfather Wayne Alexander. He graduated from Rainier Beach High School in 1976. He worked hard and taught himself how to be a mechanical designer. He could design and fix anything. He rarely missed a day of work because he always aimed to better himself and his family. “Three steps forward, two steps back”, but always forward. He was a mentor and father figure to all who knew him. He had an endless passion for teaching and advice, guitars, fishing, and family. Survived by his wife Carol, daughter Jennifer (Scott) Perry and 2 grandchildren, son Paul Alexander, parents Wayne and Jeanette Alexander, sister Lorinda Hiebert, and brothers Tim Alexander, Fred Geyer, and Wayne Alexander, and their families. On this day of his birth and his favorite Seafair hydroplane race weekend we, his family and friends, hold a memorial celebration in his honor. Keep the Faith.
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