
Jesse Franklin is board president of the King County Sexual Assault Resource Center, and an attorney at Schlemlein Fick & Franklin, PLLC.
Jesse Franklin is board president of the King County Sexual Assault Resource Center, and an attorney at Schlemlein Fick & Franklin, PLLC.
Federal Way resident Bob Roegner is a former mayor of Auburn. Contact bjroegner@comcast.net.

King County Council elections could be more exciting this fall | Roegner

In most King County election races, the incumbent has all of the advantages, and the races are rarely competitive. But this year could be different.… Continue reading

Federal Way resident Bob Roegner is a former mayor of Auburn. Contact bjroegner@comcast.net.
Federal Way resident Bob Roegner is a former mayor of Auburn. Contact bjroegner@comcast.net.

City and school board races highlight local elections | Roegner

A record 646 candidates in King County cities have filed for local offices.

Federal Way resident Bob Roegner is a former mayor of Auburn. Contact bjroegner@comcast.net.
Dana Ralph

Partnerships work to reduce gun violence in South King County | Mayor Dana Ralph

King County Peacekeepers Collective leads the effort

  • Jun 11, 2021
Dana Ralph
Spring Chinook Salmon. Photo courtesy Michael Humling, US Fish & Wildlife Service

Editorial: Act now to save salmon, regardless of dams’ fate

With a plan to remove dams on the Snake River shelved, leaders must commit to broader-based actions.

  • May 26, 2021
  • By The Herald Editorial Board
  • Editorials
Spring Chinook Salmon. Photo courtesy Michael Humling, US Fish & Wildlife Service
Cartoon by Frank Shiers

Editorial: Parents have decision to make on vaccinating kids

With one vaccine now approved for kids 12 and older, parents shouldn’t wait for a school requirement.

Cartoon by Frank Shiers
Federal Way resident Bob Roegner is a former mayor of Auburn. Contact bjroegner@comcast.net.

Grocery store workers and the hazard pay movement | Roegner

There isn’t much positive about what we have all been through the last year with the coronavirus. But a couple of areas should be at… Continue reading

Federal Way resident Bob Roegner is a former mayor of Auburn. Contact bjroegner@comcast.net.
Federal Way resident Bob Roegner is a former mayor of Auburn. Contact bjroegner@comcast.net.

How George Floyd’s death is changing history | Roegner

The death of George Floyd at the knee of Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin may have thrust Floyd into the role of history maker and… Continue reading

Federal Way resident Bob Roegner is a former mayor of Auburn. Contact bjroegner@comcast.net.
Federal Way resident Bob Roegner is a former mayor of Auburn. Contact bjroegner@comcast.net.

Needle exchange program: Compassion vs. intolerance | Roegner

One of the more creative methods for treating drug users is the Seattle-King County Public Health’s needle exchange program, which seeks to reduce the spread… Continue reading

Federal Way resident Bob Roegner is a former mayor of Auburn. Contact bjroegner@comcast.net.
Don C. Brunell is a business analyst, writer and columnist. He recently retired as president of the Association of Washington Business, the state’s oldest and largest business organization, and now lives in Vancouver. He can be contacted at thebrunells@msn.com.

Rethinking a natural gas ban in Washington state | Brunell

Sometimes being first isn’t good. Such is the case with legislation making Washington the only state to ban natural gas in new homes and commercial… Continue reading

Don C. Brunell is a business analyst, writer and columnist. He recently retired as president of the Association of Washington Business, the state’s oldest and largest business organization, and now lives in Vancouver. He can be contacted at thebrunells@msn.com.
Keith Livingston is a longtime Federal Way resident and community observer. He can be reached at keithlivingstondesign@gmail.com.

Police blotter blues and our sense of accountability | Livingston

Reading the police blotter in any newspaper proves that we as people will do just about anything and when caught, find a way to justify… Continue reading

Keith Livingston is a longtime Federal Way resident and community observer. He can be reached at keithlivingstondesign@gmail.com.
Federal Way resident Bob Roegner is a former mayor of Auburn. Contact bjroegner@comcast.net.

Politics and the Sound Transit Board’s big decision for South King County | Roegner

Fortunately, the Sound Transit Board of Directors will make the final decision on the location of the south operations maintenance facility (OMF) rather than officials… Continue reading

Federal Way resident Bob Roegner is a former mayor of Auburn. Contact bjroegner@comcast.net.
Federal Way resident Bob Roegner is a former mayor of Auburn. Contact bjroegner@comcast.net.

Democrats, Republicans, budgets and taxes | Roegner

Because the Democrats control the state’s House, Senate and the Governor’s Office, reaching agreement on the 2021-2023 budget should be relatively easy. It helps that… Continue reading

Federal Way resident Bob Roegner is a former mayor of Auburn. Contact bjroegner@comcast.net.
Jayendrina Singha Ray is a PhD (ABD) in English, with a research focus on the works of the South African Nobel Laureate John Maxwell Coetzee. She teaches English Composition and Research Writing at Highline College, WA, and has previously taught English at colleges in India.

Asian women and racial violence in the aftermath of Atlanta | Guest column

In her famous essay “The Laugh of the Medusa,” Hélène Cixous resurrects the myth of Medusa — a gorgon whose terrifying glance turned onlookers into… Continue reading

  • Apr 9, 2021
Jayendrina Singha Ray is a PhD (ABD) in English, with a research focus on the works of the South African Nobel Laureate John Maxwell Coetzee. She teaches English Composition and Research Writing at Highline College, WA, and has previously taught English at colleges in India.
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Access to cash is a prescription for better health | Guest column

By Danny Low, For the Reporter As I see pictures of my medical colleagues receiving their COVID-19 vaccines and posting expressions of gratitude online, I’m… Continue reading

  • Apr 7, 2021
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Federal Way resident Bob Roegner is a former mayor of Auburn. Contact bjroegner@comcast.net.

Violence Against Women Act becomes political victim | Roegner

The last thing this country need is to politicize violence against women. The Violence Against Women Act was introduced by then-United States Senator and current… Continue reading

Federal Way resident Bob Roegner is a former mayor of Auburn. Contact bjroegner@comcast.net.
An AR-15 and a loaded magazine were recovered from a suspect in a shooting incident at the Kent Station parking garage in 2019. (King County Sheriff’s Office)

Editorial: Lawmakers test public’s patience on gun laws

There were more than 24,000 firearm deaths last year, yet state and national lawmakers seem immovable.

An AR-15 and a loaded magazine were recovered from a suspect in a shooting incident at the Kent Station parking garage in 2019. (King County Sheriff’s Office)
Flames attack the hillside in Bonney Lake on Sept. 8, 2020. (East Pierce Fire Rescue photo)

Editorial: Make preventing, fighting wildfires a priority

A $125 million request would fund firefighting, healthy forests and protect homes and communities.

  • Mar 29, 2021
  • By The Herald Editorial Board
  • Editorials
Flames attack the hillside in Bonney Lake on Sept. 8, 2020. (East Pierce Fire Rescue photo)
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The right to vote helps rehumanize incarcerated people | Guest column

By Kim Bogucki, For The Reporter In 2008, I began asking incarcerated people a seemingly simple question: “If there was something someone could have said… Continue reading

  • Mar 12, 2021
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Federal Way resident Bob Roegner is a former mayor of Auburn. Contact bjroegner@comcast.net.

Bills for police reform move through Legislature | Roegner

One of the priorities for the House of Representatives this session is to pass legislation aimed at improving police departments and how they treat residents… Continue reading

Federal Way resident Bob Roegner is a former mayor of Auburn. Contact bjroegner@comcast.net.