This month for the month of December is Jeremias Garza, who is a wrestling coach at Kent-Meridian.
Garza is entering his 17th year of coaching, and has made a large impact on not only Kent-Meridian but the sport of wrestling as well. “Jerry does a great ob with out athletes and P.E. kids. He has integrity, passion, empathy and dedication. He holds kids accountable but also helps them be accountable to themselves. He has worked with the area junior wrestlers to help build that sport up and increase participation at all levels. I wish we had more coaches just like him,” Kent-Meridian Athletic Director Lisa Kelly said.
As far as Garza’s motivation goes, it consists of seeing his athletes grow and take strides for success. One of his reasons for coaching is, to “witness an athlete overcome obstacles and set the foundation for success,” Garza said.
Outside of Kent-Meridian, Garza coaches with an organization called the Kent Cougars. “Over the years I have noticed that many parents aren’t aware that children can begin wrestling as early as age five and can continue throughout high school,” said Garza.
Garza is currently coaching his son, Adonai, who is in his junior year. Garza has placed second and third respectively in his first two years as a Royal. But what Garza wants his athletes to leave remembering that effort is one of the most important things to give. “Showing up and being resilient and working hard is going to benefit them for their entire lives. The most important people in my life have those traits and utilize them everyday,” Garza said.
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