Two reportedly joined one other woman in 3-state crime ring taking women’s clothing from Lululemon
City Council approves $4.28 million bid; project to start in late May or early June
Annual event provides free checkups for teddy bears and children
Wednesday, April 10 in northbound lanes near South 272nd Street
Incidents include robberies, burglaries, shooting
Collision at about 11:30 p.m. Monday, April 8 along northbound I-5 near State Route 516
City-owned facility brings in about $600,000 in 2023
Governor Jay Inslee signed a bill on March 26 adding new regulations to the purchase and sale of catalytic converters — and the metals used… Continue reading
Event designed to help potential candidates get jobs
A Kirkland police officer accused of exhibiting odd behavior toward bikini barista employees while using a city-owned vehicle has resigned following an internal investigation by… Continue reading
Madeline Goldsmith one of 344 organ donors honored by Gov. Jay Inslee in Olympia
Valley SWAT shot man in response to 2021 Algona incident
Judge explains reduction from $1 million to $100,000, which was posted by family of Chase Jones
Chase Daniel Jones, 18, reportedly sped in at least one of the collisions in the past 10 months
District resident, Cook each file suits to halt Labor Policy Committee
Approval of measure on April 23 ballot would pay for capital projects and technology
Head-on collision Saturday, March 30 injures two
Chase Daniel Jones, 18, charged with killing four and injuring two.
Heated discussion for more than 3 hours about removal of Donald Cook from labor negotiations
Police union objects to July 2023 firing of Michael Morfoot by Chief Rafael Padilla