Their buildings are quiet right now – too quiet by their standards – but the five newest principals in the Kent School District are using their time to prepare for the first day of school, because they all know that when those doors open and the kids come piling in, the year moves very fast.
The Kent Food Bank needs volunteers to help distribute food and clothing to homeless and struggling families residing within the Kent School District.
The Kent School Board this week got its first look at the district administration’s latest budget, which is designed to meet a projected $2.6 million gap between expected revenues and expenditures.
A 24-year-old Bonney Lake man who was shot while trying to elude police Aug. 8 remained in custody Tuesday at the Norm Maleng Regional Justice Center in Kent.
A 20 year-old Kent man was killed at about 8 a.m. Wednesday when his motorcycle collided with a vehicle driven by a 37 year-old Kent man, according to a media release from the King County Sheriff’s Office.
A car reportedly crashed into a Kent home Wednesday night, knocking the house off its foundations.
A car reportedly crashed into a Kent home last night, knocking the house off its foundations.
A Kent man was killed this morning after his motorcycle collided with a car in front of the Indigo Springs apartment complex, at 11101 S.E. 208th St., in unincorporated Kent.
They will see trophies earned during their senior year, class yearbooks, uniforms from their generations and music from their decade. They can bring their children and grandchildren to show off their old high school. The Kent-Meridian hip-hop dance group will perform for each group, and refreshments will be served.
Local businesses can bring non-hazardous office waste for recycling 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Aug. 14 during the Kent Business Recycling Event at Russell Road Park, at the corner of Russell Road and South 240th Street. Accepted materials include: cardboard, CDs, cell phones, computer equipment, fluorescent lights, plastics, and scrap metal. The limit is one load per business. For details, call 253-856-5549.
A wood-debris fire continued to burn Friday at a Covington wood recycling facility, just east of Kent.
Kent Police arrested a 23-year-old woman for investigation of prostitution loitering at about 1 p.m. Aug. 1 near South 240th Street and Pacific Highway South.
The Kent School District Board of Directors on Wednesday will hear its first reading of the district’s $257 million 2008-2009 budget.
A woman told police that a man she had met through work left hostile and vulgar voicemail messages for her after she told him she had no romantic interest in him because she already had a boyfriend.
Kent Police shot and injured a 24-year-old Bonney Lake man at about 3 p.m. Friday after the man reportedly tried to drive his vehicle past officers to avoid being stopped for a traffic offense.
Starting in the fall or early next year, it will cost $5 to use the boat launch at Lake Meridian Park.
With the Kent Events Center slated to open in about five months, Josh Holmes and Beth Sylves have taken on the challenge to help make the new arena a hit.
Kent residents now can use the city's Web site to file non-emergency crime reports such as theft, identity theft, vandalism and harassing phone calls.
During his work as Kent city water-meter reader, Mark Maughan crosses the paths of pit bulls, Labradors and Doberman pinchers.
But only one dog has ever bitten him.
“The worst one, and it bit me twice, was a Chihuahua,” Maughan said Tuesday, sitting in at the Centennial Building in downtown Kent. “It bit me in the shoe and again in the back of my shoe on the way out. I think it had little-dog syndrome.”
The Kent Fire Department continued to monitor the smoldering remains of a wood-debris fire at a Covington wood-recycling facility Thursday.