The King County Charter is currently open for a review that occurs once every 10 years. The Charter Review Commission has been gathering information and deliberating, and will soon forward amendments they endorse to the County Council. The Council will consider those recommendations, then decide which amendments will be placed on the ballot this fall. The voters will have the final say.
Dr. Michael DeBakey, the renowned heart surgeon, received the Congressional Medal of Honor recently. He’s going to be a hundred years old this year, so apparently somebody figured they better get to it.
Kent P.D. is part of a multi-agency task force, including police departments all around the Puget Sound area, and the Drug Enforcement Administration, which announced a series of arrests and raids last week under the DEA moniker “Green Reaper.” The multiple arrests and the DEA press conference received quite a bit of coverage, and recounted the long-term investigation which involved the fraudulent purchase of over 400 Seattle-area homes to use as marijuana grow houses.
After three decades of being married to the same woman, you would think a guy would have a pretty solid knowledge of that woman’s likes and dislikes. But on Mother’s Day, five years ago, I had an apparent brain cramp.
Is customer service dead as we know it? I’m not sure it’s dead, but the toe tag has been affixed and a priest has been called to administer last rites.
From steroid-using athletes to celebrities who bounce between clubs and rehab, today’s role models can leave a lot to be desired.
His race for Dufur public office was not going well. The voters in Dufur (DOO-fur), a small town in Oregon, were leaning to his opponent in overwhelming numbers – or at least as overwhelming as a town of 500 can muster.
Late last week four students from Dilworth, Minnesota were suspended from school. Not for carrying firearms, dealing drugs, or fighting during school hours. These four rebels with a clue were suspended for {gasp!} not standing during the Pledge of Allegiance!
It’s expected that transportation will be the biggest local issue in the 2008 elections. Most people aren’t happy. But instead of trying to find scapegoats, let’s review some history to see why we’re paying higher transportation taxes for longer commutes.
For many years Kent-Meridian High School was the last choice in the Kent School District.
King County and the Port of Seattle made history May 12 when the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Eastside rail corridor was secured for public ownership. The Port of Seattle will pay the below-market value of $107 million to acquire the 42-mile corridor that stretches from Renton in the south up to the City of Snohomish in the north. King County will pay the port $1.9 million for a 26-mile easement for trail development that runs from Renton to Woodinville. As more and more people commute from South King County to Eastside cities, and vice versa, it is clear that our region needs more transportation options, as well as more recreational opportunities.
It’s the Memorial Day weekend - and you know what that means.
OK, you decide. Last week President Bush, in a long speech commemorating the 60th anniversary of Israel’s founding, made the following statements to the Israeli Knesset (our equivalent of Congress).
Recently the Olympia School District has been called upon to make budget cuts in the $2 million dollar range for the 2008-2009 school years.
Thousands of mortar boards will be tossed into the air across Washington this June; a time-honored sign that our high school seniors have finally graduated.
I helped a friend and his wife load their stuff into a big U-Haul some days ago. They were moving to southern California. Some people think a move from this part of the world to that part is sort of like trading a gentle scalp massage for a whack on the head with a garden rake. That’s a bit of an exaggeration. A small shovel would be more like it.
It’s spring, and you know what that means?
Regarding your customer-service article (Todd Nuttman editorial, May 7, 2008), I agree but consider the problem much broader than you suggest.
A recent study I read underscores the fact that good health isn’t just a matter of personal choice for Americans.