Without as much bang for their buck this year at Kent’s annual Fourth of July Splash fireworks show at Lake Meridian Park, organizers are asking residents and businesses to donate money to help fund the display.
You might call Kent resident Donna Hyatt a mover and a shaker. Heavy on the moving and light on the shaking, if you please.
Several businesses in Kent offer tutoring services. Parents seeking information about tutoring should contact the Kent School District at 253-373-7000 or one of the following businesses:
Cedar Heights Middle School student Steven Weier recently placed first in the fifth- through eighth-grade writing category of the Jacob Friedman Holocaust Writing & Art Contest.
Kentlake High School junior Jacob Fullen on April 12 earned the rank of Eagle Scout from Boy Scouts of America Troop 406 in Kent.
Quick updates of happenings in the Kent community.
A list of incident reports from the Kent Police Department.
A case against state Rep. Geoff Simpson, alleging that he assaulted his ex-wife in April, has been dropped.
Covington’s city prosecutor, Thomas Hargan, noted, “I dismissed the charges (on May 28) without prejudice based on insufficient evidence going forward.”
Even at the age of 80, Mercer Island resident Henry Friedman still has vivid memories of his childhood in Brody, Poland — memories he wishes he could forget.
The Holocaust survivor related his haunting story to an audience of area students May 30 at the Kent-Meridian High School Performing Arts Center, giving the younger generation a firsthand account of one of the darkest periods in history.
Jeff Veach is the city of Kent’s handyman for homeowners who cannot afford minor repairs.
Family crisis spurs Elizabeth Albertson's political departure
Kent high-school seniors were honored by the Rotary Club of Kent with a scholarship banquet May 20 at Green River Community College.
Thirty-one district administrators, teachers and staff members were recognized for their years of service at the Kent School District Board of Directors meeting May 28, which included a special farewell reception.
Firefighter Marty Hauer, a 15-year member of the Kent Fire Department, died early Wednesday after a year-long battle with thymic carcinoma, a rare form of cancer.
Hundreds of Kent residents caught “Relay Fever” last weekend, turning out in spite of chilly weather to support the cause of cancer research.
Seattle School District teacher Nicole Johnson, 27, doesn’t want teens to make the mistake she made in high school — the mistake of staying silent.
Even with the approach of summer, financial assistance from Puget Sound Energy remains available through PSE’s HELP (Home Energy Lifeline Program) program to eligible customers in King, Pierce and Snohomish counties who need assistance paying their PSE electric and natural gas bills. Depending on income and household size, a qualified PSE customer can receive up to $750 in PSE utility-bill credits.
Tahoma National Cemetery was the scene May 26 of one of the largest Memorial Day observances in Western Washington. Military veterans, Gov. Christine Gregoire and other speakers, as well as relatives of deceasced military personnel, gathered in honor of those who served.