Fans of Sonic Drive-In coming to Kent will have to hold their orders a bit longer.
An anticipated opening this summer is no longer on the menu.
“The lender originally committed to the project pulled out and that set the developer back several months,” said Rune Harkestad, vice president of Kidder Mathews, a commercial real estate firm in Bellevue, in an email. “A new lender has been engaged and we will know by the end of this week if an end of May closing is a go or not. If a go, then site construction will commence July/August with a scheduled March 2018 opening.”
City of Kent officials announced late last year a potential opening this July.
The restaurant is to be built on the northeast corner of 116th Avenue Southeast and Kent Kangley Road. City staff worked with the developer to allow access closer to the corner at the busy intersection.
“They have the permits,” said William Ellis, city economic development analyst, in a phone interview. “It’s a great site. They went through the planning process. Now it’s a matter of getting the loan. It’s in their court.”
Sonic started in 1953 in Oklahoma and has more than 3,500 locations in 45 states. It serves about 3 million customers daily and features carhops at many locations. The nearest locations to Kent include Bonney Lake, Puyallup, Tacoma, Poulsbo and Lacey.
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